Review request

When a deal or lead is moved to a specific final stage or marked as a win in Pipedrive, the deal or lead data is sent to an n8n scenario using a webhook. In n8n, the data is validated for correct phone number and email, the area is determined, and a phone number/email address is selected from which to send an SMS or email to the client.
An email is sent using HTML development, requesting the recipient to rate the service using star ratings.
Clicking on 1-4 stars, through embedded webhooks in the image, leads to a gratitude page and a request to describe what went wrong. This can be implemented as a separate PHP page or a small input window. In this example, a separate page is developed.
Obtaining feedback is an integral part of any business. To automate feedback collection, we use Gmail, Twilio Studio, n8n, Pipedrive, Slack, and Rebrandly. It is not mandatory to use these specific services, and you can also use any other similar alternatives.
Clicking on 1-4 stars, through embedded webhooks in the image, leads to a gratitude page and a request to describe what went wrong. This can be implemented as a separate PHP page or a small input window. In this example, a separate page is developed.
When 5 stars are clicked, an automatic redirection (using the same webhooks) to a review page on Google Maps occurs (it can be configured for any other service as well).
In addition to the email, as mentioned earlier, an SMS is sent (through Twilio Studio) asking the client to rate the service from 1 to 5 and expecting a response. The process works similarly to the email logic—when 1-4 is entered, a link to the corresponding page for leaving comments about what went wrong is sent. When 5 is chosen, a shortened link is sent, and upon clicking it, the user is directed to the review page on Google Maps (similar to email).
User data elements are embedded in the corresponding images or shortened links. After each click on any review link by the client, a separate activity is created in the CRM system (in our case, Pipedrive). This allows for monitoring all interactions with the client and tracking the progress of all engagements.
After the client selects 1-4 stars and leaves a comment about negative aspects, a separate task is created in the CRM system with the client's comment. This task enables a quick response to the user or addressing the issue they encountered (if any). A notification about creating such a task (a new client review with a rating of 1-4) instantly appears in a dedicated Slack channel with a link to the task itself.
Similar notifications, as in the previous point, can also be configured for a 5-star rating. Using integration (currently only known through Zapier), it is possible to pull all new Google reviews and send them to the Slack channel along with the corresponding rating given in Google and the created task. This helps in monitoring reviews not only from the email campaign but also any new ones appearing on Google.